Are there any advantages to forward planning?
Traditionally the costs of funerals have risen well above the rate of inflation. A funeral that cost £2,000 10 years ago costs £4,500 today.
Is it possible to arrange my funeral now? Yes! Over 300,000 people have already purchased pre-pay funeral packages.
Alongside the cost saving, it will relieve your bereaved family members of the additional responsibility of arranging your funeral – especially stressful in the circumstances and particularly so for elderly or infirm relatives. You get to choose where you would prefer to be buried or cremated and what can happen to your ashes. You have the luxury of time to shop around for the best value package for you – something your relatives will not have in the event of your death.
The purchase of a pre-paid funeral plan may reduce your capital savings and therefore you may now be entitled to (or an increase in) state benefits. Saving you and your family money in the long run. As mentioned previously, funeral costs rise sharply each year, buying now will ensure you still have the funeral you want at today’s costs.
Can I arrange my funeral through you?
Yes. We are proud to be associated with Golden Leaves. The Golden Leaves Company are a member of the National Association for Pre-paid Funeral Plans and are also registered with the Funeral Planning Authority giving you total confidence that all our work is carried out within a strict code of conduct. We can offer you a range of wholly ethical and reliable funeral plans at a reasonable cost and you can pay for your funeral in one lump sum or in monthly instalments, whichever is most convenient for you.